Indexing for substring search

A question from a client got me thinking. Relational databases (at least the ones I know and love) can’t really index for queries that use LIKE queries for a substring of a column value. If you want to search for strings beginning with a given string, a regular rowstore index will have you covered. If you’re looking for entire words or sentences, a full text index might be a good call. But because of the very way indexes work, you’ll never get great performance searching for just arbitrary parts of a string.

So today I’ll put on my lab coat and do a little rocket surgery, just to prove to the world that it can be done.

Professional driver on closed roads, always wear protection. Your mileage may vary.

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Collations and case sensitive wildcards

The other day, I ran across the following issue: I was looking to split a value using upper case and lower case characters. Here’s an example query:

    'testValue' COLLATE Finnish_Swedish_CS_AS) AS offset

I expected this query to return the value 4, because at that offset in the string, there is a lower case character (t) followed directly by an upper case character (V). However, in practice, this query returns the value 1.

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