Parallel execution, part 3

Parallelism, Repartition StreamsIn the two previous parts of this series, we’ve looked at how parallelism works, how you can control it, and how it affects your query (and server) performance in different environments. In this, the third part, we’re going to take a more technical look at how the different Parallelism operators work.

Parallel execution, part 2

Continuing on last week’s post on parallelism, here’s part two, where we take a closer look at when parallel plans are considered and what you can do to either force or prevent a query from running parallel as well as things you want to avoid if you’re trying to achieve a parallel query plan.

Parallel execution, part 1

The subject of parallel execution of SQL Server queries is at times somewhat shrouded in mystery and uncertainty. Since the concept of parallel execution is such a significant (and indispensable tool) for performance tuning, it’s good to have a fair idea of how it works. In this first post in a series on parallelization, I’m going to try to sort out the apples from the pears, or the serial from the parallel if you will.